The research consortium PartKommPlus was formed by several partners implementing different tasks. Below you find a list of institutions which fulfilled coordination tasks within the consortium and within the subprojects. Further partners who paticipated actively in the different project spots are mentioned on the subproject's pages.
The Catholic University of Applied Sciences (KHSB) coordinated the consortium as a whole and implemented the subproject GESUND! (HEALTHY!). Further, KHSB coordinated the Integration and Synthesis part of the project.
The Alice-Salomon-Hochschule Berlin implemented the subproject "Parents asking parents (ElfE).
Gesundheit Berlin-Brandenburg participated at the Integration and Synthesys part of the project by supervising the internet portal inforo-online. (The link leads to a Website in German language.)
Landesvereinigung für Gesundheit & Akademie für Sozialmedizin Niedersachsen e. V. (LVG & AFS) lead the subproject PEPBS. (The link leads to a Website in German language.)
The Hochschule Esslingen (University of Applied Sciences) cooperated with Hamburgische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gesundheitsförderung (HAG, website in German language) and the City of Esslingen in the subproject KEG.
The Hochschule Fulda (University of Applied Sciences) implemented the subproject Age4Health.
The Deutsche Institut für Urbanistik (website in German language) and the Robert Koch Institute conducted case studies within the subprojects in the framework of the Integration and Synthesis part of the project.
The International Collaboration on Participatory Helth Research (ICPHR) supported PartKommPlus with international expertise. Thus international experts took part at the colloquia such as Tina Cook from the University of Northumbria or Jane Springett from the University of Alberta.