Scientific Board

The work of PartKommPlus was supported by an international scientific advisory board.







Members of the board were:

Prof. Dr. Monika Alisch (Funding Periods 1 and 2)
Prof. Dr. Stephen Fawcett (Funding Period 1)
Dr. Beate Grossmann (Funding Period 1)
Prof. Dr. Susanne Hartung (Funding Period 2)
Anne Janz (Funding Periods 1 and 2)
Prof. Dr. Petra Kolip (Funding Period 1)
Dr. Andreas Mielck (Funding Periods 1 and 2)
Prof. Dr. Christian Reutlinger (Funding Periods 1 and 2)
Dr. Brenda Roche (Funding Periods 1 and 2)
Prof. Dr. Rolf Rosenbrock (Funding Periods 1 and 2)
Prof. Dr. Jane Springett (Funding Period 2)
Sabine Tengeler (Funding Periods 1 and 2)
Prof. Dr. Alf Trojan (Funding Periods 1 and 2)
Dr. Ursula von Rüden (Funding Period 2)
Prof. Dr. Hella von Unger (Funding Periods 1 and 2)
Prof. Dr. Nina Wallerstein (Funding Periods 1 and 2)
Dr. Volker Wanek (Funding Periods 1 and 2)
Dr. Hans-Georg Wolter (Funding Period 2)
Prof. Dr. med. Hajo Zeeb (Funding Period 2)

Academic support

In addition, PartKommPlus worked closely with Professor Tina Cook from Liverpool Hope University. Prof. Cook is an expert on the topic of impact in participatory health research.

Her role was to sharpen the understanding of impact within the consortium and to support the creation of impact maps and impact narratives.



Professor Tina Cook

Department of Disability and Education

Liverpool Hope University

E-Mail: cookt(at)